  1. 4. use (something) in the wrong way or for the wrong purpose.
  2. 5. an unfortunate condition or event.
  3. 6. playful misbehaviour, especially on the part of children.
  4. 7. an error in printed text.
  5. 8. unacceptable or improper behaviour, especially by an employee or professional person.
  6. 9. might be a misprint for Galloway"
  7. 10. an act or judgement that is misguided or wrong.
  1. 1. giving the wrong idea or impression
  2. 2. spell (a word) wrongly.
  3. 3. be suspicious of; have no confidence in.
  4. 7. (of a person, especially a child) fail to conduct oneself in an acceptable way; behave badly.