fortnite boss burger biggie smallz

  1. 3. at 3am
  2. 6. is joe
  3. 9. i like them
  4. 11. is a garbage game
  5. 13. is the nickname for sam burger
  6. 15. is a bad sponge
  1. 1. is a fortnite skin
  2. 2. taste bad
  3. 3. is equivalent to instein
  4. 4. is something they said in a spongebob episode
  5. 5. is a good snack
  6. 7. is a living legend
  7. 8. smallz was murdered
  8. 9. is the name of a redneck that lives by me
  9. 10. is joe mama
  10. 12. is a cool cookie
  11. 14. joe,joe mama