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  1. 2. stocks of large, well-established corporations with a solid record of profitability
  2. 4. A mutual fund that tries to match the performance of a particular index by investing in the companies included in that index.
  3. 7. A mutual fund whose investment goal is to produce current income in the form of interest or dividends
  4. 9. Stocks in corporations that have a consistent history of paying high dividends to stockholders.
  5. 13. the spreading of risk among many types of investments
  6. 14. money put aside for emergencies or future
  7. 16. a type of stock that pays a variable dividend and gives the holder voting rights
  8. 18. the pooling of money from many investors to buy a large selection of securities
  9. 19. The market price for a share of a mutual fund
  10. 20. a debt obligation of a corporation or a state or local government
  1. 1. A collection of investments
  2. 3. a type of stock that pays a fixed dividend but has not voting rights
  3. 5. the use of long-term savings to earn financial return
  4. 6. a market in which investors can buy stocks and bonds when they are first issued by a company
  5. 8. a type of savings account that offers a more competitive interest rate than a regular savings account
  6. 10. A mutual fund that seeks both growth and income but attempts to minimize risk by investing in a mixture of stocks and bonds rather than stocks alone.
  7. 11. A mutual fund whose investment goal is to buy stocks that will increase in value over time.growthstock
  8. 12. Money paid to stockholders from the corporation's earnings.
  9. 15. A mutual fund that purchases international stocks and bonds as well as U.S. securities.
  10. 17. a unit of ownership in a corporation