Fortnite Lore Characters/ Objects

  1. 4. Name of the IO base under the island
  2. 6. Where the mech was built
  3. 7. IO agent who was leaking confidential IO intel during the invasion
  4. 10. The largest monsters in the Last Reality's Cube Legion
  5. 14. Name given to random tech that doesn't have a name including; the phone that the Scientist gave us, agent Jones' rift gun, and Midas' storm shield
  6. 15. Girl who works with the IO, was the boss of Jones
  7. 16. Created by the Foundation to seal off the zero point during the zero crisis finale
  8. 17. Cracks in reality, can transfer you between realities, teleport you into the sky during gameplay
  9. 18. IO brute, stationed at Covert Cavern during Ch3 S1
  10. 20. Shards of the cubes, turn you into a ghost
  11. 21. Name of the IO tanks
  12. 22. Theorized leader of the IO
  13. 24. Managed to escape the island, helped the Foundation close a sideways rift
  14. 26. One of the sisters in the Seven, has red hair and bronze armor
  15. 27. One of Midas' agents, used a scar, was found at the Shark
  16. 28. Name of the massive drill that the IO used to suprise attack the island
  17. 32. Hosted the Rift Tour to allow the Last Reality to scan our brains
  18. 34. Leader of the Last Reality, has cube powers
  19. 36. Center of all reality, constantly being fought for
  20. 38. Midas' daughter, helped make the device
  21. 40. Monster that was frozen under Polar Peak, fought the robot
  22. 42. Community name for gold cubes
  23. 43. Preferred transportation method of the Seven
  1. 1. How we defeated Galactus, modified by Tony Stark, funded by the Seven to help in the fight with the IO, seen in every match
  2. 2. Former IO agent, defected to help the Seven
  3. 3. Community name for purple cubes
  4. 5. Paradigm's other name
  5. 8. The Seven's scout, has a quiet personality, launched the first rocket
  6. 9. Leader of the Seven, looks like the rock
  7. 11. Former leader of the last reality, left after discovering the cubes evil nature, joined the Seven
  8. 12. Completely evil team, goals are more unknown but they want to destroy the island, uses cubes and ufos
  9. 13. Fuel source for the first rocket, first seen in craters during Ch1 S4
  10. 19. Community name for blue cubes
  11. 20. Home of the Seven, has a statue of the Foundation
  12. 21. Group against the IO's control of the zero point, lead by the Foundation
  13. 23. Held a fake war to cover up his creation of a device
  14. 25. The agent that Midas trusted to lead Shadow during the fake war
  15. 26. Team in control of the island, have a base in the center of the island, also called the IO for short
  16. 29. Makes most of the Seven's tech, saved the remaining loopers during the chapter 2 finale, recruited loopers to help during Ch3 S1
  17. 30. Result of the chapter 1 end event
  18. 31. Pilot of the mech, left the Seven but came back to help with fighting the Imagined Order
  19. 33. One of Midas' agents, used a minigun, was found in the Grotto
  20. 35. Name of the robot created by Singularity/ Paradigm to fight the monster
  21. 37. Name of the Last Reality's main ship
  22. 39. Marvel character that arrived on the island and aligned with the IO
  23. 41. Used by the IO to reach the other side of the island