Four Letters

  1. 2. The Waning Gibbous is an example of a phase of this celestial rock
  2. 4. Chess piece and bird
  3. 5. A palm with four fingers
  4. 7. Gaming console with an 'X' on its logo
  5. 9. Prefix meaning from far away
  6. 11. What kids do on a playground
  7. 12. What the 'D' in CD stands for
  8. 14. Insect that lives in animal fur
  9. 16. A box with wheels used for mining, shopping, or racing
  10. 18. another word for Killer Whale
  11. 19. Color associated with women
  12. 20. kitchen utensil with four prongs
  13. 21. Where bees live
  1. 1. Created as a barrier between rooms, can be opened
  2. 3. A bunch of this makes up a sentence
  3. 6. Made of metal or ivory
  4. 8. Spherical object used in many sports
  5. 9. What you do with a keyboard
  6. 10. Fancy flower with thorns
  7. 12. Lack of light in an area
  8. 13. Made for reading
  9. 15. What grows at the end of tree branches
  10. 16. A pastry item usually coated with frosting
  11. 17. Feeds on oxygen, heat, and fuel