- 4. Says no to hugs
- 7. Quiet
- 8. has red hair says "goodness gracious"
- 9. Team player
- 13. Chrome book expert
- 15. Great Smile
- 19. New friend to Class
- 20. Best jokes
- 21. Spreads kindness
- 22. Tallest girl in class
- 1. Loves Lizards is a twin
- 2. Best hugs
- 3. Helps others, gets Mrs. Mann water
- 5. Best cursive
- 6. Always happy
- 10. Quietest
- 11. Deep Thinker
- 12. Best encourager
- 14. Great singer
- 16. Thinker
- 17. Coolest hair in class
- 18. Most pens is a twin