FPHS Back to School 2013

  1. 2. All students who are returning to school after an absences must bring a written excuse to their ___ period teacher.
  2. 5. our school mascot
  3. 8. Have a _____ attitude
  4. 9. All absences, excused or ____ count toward the total days per semester of absences allowed.
  5. 13. If a t-shirt is worn underneath the school shirt, it must be read, white, blue, or grey with no ____
  6. 14. name of street where FPHS is located
  7. 15. name of one of Beta sponsors
  1. 1. Backpacks must be clear or ______
  2. 2. This type of shoes are not allowed
  3. 3. Acronym for mission statement
  4. 4. This statement is to promote academic success for all students.
  5. 6. You should never ___ a locker with another student.
  6. 7. These should be worn and should only be one size larger than needed.
  7. 9. All jackets must be completely ______ in the building.
  8. 10. Students must always ____ through the office before leaving campus.
  9. 11. Be seated in each class before the ____ bell rings.
  10. 12. The cafeteria will not let you ___ for your meal.