- 2. All students who are returning to school after an absences must bring a written excuse to their ___ period teacher.
- 5. our school mascot
- 8. Have a _____ attitude
- 9. All absences, excused or ____ count toward the total days per semester of absences allowed.
- 13. If a t-shirt is worn underneath the school shirt, it must be read, white, blue, or grey with no ____
- 14. name of street where FPHS is located
- 15. name of one of Beta sponsors
- 1. Backpacks must be clear or ______
- 2. This type of shoes are not allowed
- 3. Acronym for mission statement
- 4. This statement is to promote academic success for all students.
- 6. You should never ___ a locker with another student.
- 7. These should be worn and should only be one size larger than needed.
- 9. All jackets must be completely ______ in the building.
- 10. Students must always ____ through the office before leaving campus.
- 11. Be seated in each class before the ____ bell rings.
- 12. The cafeteria will not let you ___ for your meal.