FPHS Back to School 2013

  1. 3. The school provides these for student use.
  2. 5. The cafeteria will not let you ___ for your meal.
  3. 6. The library charges these for overdue books – usually .05 per day.
  4. 7. All students participating in the career diploma option for graduation must take this course
  5. 8. You should enter the library using the door by the ____ desk.
  6. 10. name of street where FPHS is located
  7. 12. This list consists of students who make all As for the six weeks.
  8. 14. Is zero tolerance for misbehavior
  9. 16. All absences, excused or ____ count toward the total days per semester of absences allowed.
  10. 17. This statement is to promote academic success for all students.
  11. 18. This must be provided in order to receive a parking permit.
  12. 20. Backpacks must be clear or ______
  13. 23. our school mascot
  14. 24. This type of shoes are not allowed
  15. 25. All jackets must be completely ______ in the building.
  16. 27. name of one of Beta sponsors
  17. 28. No ___ caps may be worn
  18. 30. Have a _____ attitude
  19. 32. Students arriving to school ____ 8 a.m. or later must check in at the office.
  20. 34. A student who arrives at school after the 7:45 a.m. bell rings but before the 8:00 a.m. Is considered _____
  1. 1. In order to be a Patriot Scholar, the student must have all As and Bs at the end of the ______.
  2. 2. No ____ is allowed during fire drills.
  3. 4. Only _____ and navy blue uniform pants are allowed.
  4. 6. How much does a parking permit cost?
  5. 7. No ___ of any color are allowed at the Prom.
  6. 9. School Board Ordinance #2006-03=0011 prohibits students from possessing, using, or operating one of these.
  7. 11. Students bring electronic devices to school at their own risk
  8. 12. Acronym for mission statement
  9. 13. Students must always ____ through the office before leaving campus.
  10. 15. All students who are returning to school after an absences must bring a written excuse to their ___ period teacher.
  11. 19. Students should conduct themselves in a _____ manner.
  12. 21. On the second cell phone offense, students are assigned to _____.
  13. 22. If a t-shirt is worn underneath the school shirt, it must be read, white, blue, or grey with no ____
  14. 24. All classes will be required to include a _____ at the end of the course.
  15. 26. These should be worn and should only be one size larger than needed.
  16. 29. The last word of the Alma Mater
  17. 31. You should never ___ a locker with another student.
  18. 33. Students are not to be dropped off or picked up at the front of the school or in the bus _____.