FR2 Les Verbes Irréguliers

  1. 3. (We)take/are taking
  2. 4. (You all) are able/can
  3. 5. (They) sleep/are sleeping
  4. 8. (He/She) puts/puts on
  5. 10. (I) see
  6. 12. (We) see
  7. 13. (He/She) sleeps/is sleeping
  8. 15. (I) take/am taking
  9. 17. (You-inf) are able/can
  10. 19. (I) leave/am leaving
  11. 21. (We) are going out
  12. 23. (They) want
  13. 24. (They) are able/can
  1. 1. (They) have to
  2. 2. (They) see
  3. 3. (They) take/are taking
  4. 4. (You all) leave/are leaving
  5. 6. (I) put/put on
  6. 7. (I) sleep/am sleeping
  7. 8. (You all) put/put on
  8. 9. (We) have to
  9. 11. (You all) sleep/are sleeping
  10. 14. (You-inf) are going out
  11. 16. (I)have to
  12. 18. (They) leave/are leaving
  13. 20. (They) are going out
  14. 22. (You all) want
  15. 23. (I) want