- 2. The amount of the pieces you have in a fraction out of the denominator.
- 4. To add a numerator by another numerator.
- 6. When you split up a fraction into by a fraction into an amount.
- 8. When you can’t add or subtract because of the denominator.
- 10. The amount of pieces you have in all in a fraction.
- 11. To to increase a fraction by increasing numerator by numerator in a certain way.
- 12. When you convert a fraction.
- 14. A thing that completes itself.
- 15. To find the smallest number when trying to make a new denominator.
- 1. To take a fractions numerator away from another numerator.
- 3. When you have a whole number and fraction.
- 5. To put a fraction to its lowest terms.
- 7. When the numerator is bigger than the denominator.
- 9. A shortcut that you can use to make multiplying fractions easier.
- 13. When two fractions have the same worth.