- 1. numerator is the top part of the fraction ,it represents how much of the fraction. And the denominator is how much you need to make a whole. .Also a improper fraction is when you multiply ,sometimes it can leave you with a numerator that is bigger than the denominator. Then it turns into a mixed number, which is a fraction that has a whole number. And then there is Gcf greatest common factor,also their is lcf Least common factor. .Sometimes you can simplify wich is where if the denominator and the numerator ,can be divided with the same number. .Decimals are also fraction but written in a different way. .Then you can also do in some scenarios where you can add fractions. And it is the same thing with subtracting fraction. .And when you find the lowest term is where we find a common denominator that is in the lowest term.a proper is just a fraction.