
  1. 3. like division but easier
  2. 4. to make something easier to understand
  3. 6. you wont be able to choose but say it once you get the answer it stands for e m h difficulty
  4. 9. like multiplication but a easier
  5. 11. NOT! answer the end
  6. 14. to make 2 fractions the same meaning on the underline or bar graph it will be at the same point
  7. 15. an equation without the answer
  8. 16. usually the term of the answer for addition
  9. 18. the top of a fraction
  1. 1. bonus question:what topic do you think this is about? Easy
  2. 2. multiplying 2 or more to both numerator or denominator
  3. 5. both having numerator and denominator and line in the middle meaning divide
  4. 7. to make something easier to understand like turning 1 1/6 to 8/6
  5. 8. the amount of parts the ? has
  6. 10. dividing 2 or more for both numerator and denominator
  7. 12. to draw a picture to make something easier to understand
  8. 13. the bottom of a fraction
  9. 17. the amount of ? is in the ? (the last ? would give the answer to number 1