
  1. 3. : Fractions that have different denominators is called _____ fraction.
  2. 4. : Fraction having 1 in the numerator are called ________ fraction.
  3. 5. : An improper fraction is _________ than 1.
  4. 8. : 16/14 is a _______________ fraction.
  5. 9. : A fraction is a number that represents a part of __________
  6. 10. : A proper fraction is _________ than 1.
  1. 1. ________ indicates the number of equal parts in which the whole thing has to be divided.
  2. 2. : Fractions that have different numerators and denominators but are equal to the same value.
  3. 6. : Fractions that have the same denominators is called ________ fraction
  4. 7. : Fraction where numerator is smaller than denominator is called __________ fraction.