Fractions and Decimals

  1. 2. away a number from another number
  2. 6. split a number by another number
  3. 7. Point/the point that comes before the tenths place but after the whole number.
  4. 8. Decimal/A decimal that ends.
  5. 11. combine numbers to create a sum.
  6. 12. add money to a bank account .
  7. 14. number whose whole number part and the fractional part is separated by a decimal point.
  8. 17. numerical quantity that is not a whole number
  9. 19. Decimal/A decimal that repeats in a pattern.
  10. 20. number on the bottom of the fraction
  1. 1. from (a number) another that contains the first number a specified number of times
  2. 3. number to the left of zero.
  3. 4. Fraction/A fraction where the numerator is greater than the denominator.
  4. 5. take something away.
  5. 9. number on the right side of zero
  6. 10. number that goes on the top of the fraction
  7. 13. Number/A number that can be written as a fraction.
  8. 15. change a number from a fraction to a decimal or decimal to fraction.
  9. 16. Number/a number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction
  10. 18. Fraction/A fraction that has a fraction in it numerator, denominator, or both