Fractions and Decimals

  1. 4. A fraction whose numerator and denominator have no common factors
  2. 7. The numeral on the top of a fraction
  3. 8. the numeral on the bottom of a fraction
  4. 11. written in lowest terms
  5. 12. Denominator The least common multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions
  6. 14. a dot placed after the figure
  7. 17. a fraction that the numerator is smaller then its denominator
  8. 18. A system of numbers and arithmetic based on the number ten, tenth parts, and powers of ten
  9. 19. A special type of fraction where the denominator is 100
  10. 22. equal in value, amount, meaning, etc
  1. 1. a part of a whole
  2. 2. A common fraction that can be written ½
  3. 3. A fraction where the numerator and/or denominator is a fraction
  4. 5. one of four equal parts of something
  5. 6. A number composed of a whole number and a fraction
  6. 9. the multiplicative inverse of a number
  7. 10. a fraction whose numerator is equal too or more then the denominator
  8. 13. When the top and bottom cannot be any smaller
  9. 15. a Decimal that does not continue after a certain place
  10. 16. 0.25 as a fraction
  11. 20. a Decimal that endlessly repeats one number or a group of numbers
  12. 21. 0.5 as a fraction