- 3. A portion or division of a whole.
- 4. The bottom number in a fraction that shows how many equal parts the whole is divided into.
- 7. than A term used to compare two numbers when the first is smaller than the second.
- 8. fraction A fraction with a numerator of one, representing one part of the whole.
- 12. To arrange numbers or fractions from least to greatest or vice versa.
- 13. denominator A shared multiple of the denominators of two or more fractions.
- 15. To evaluate two or more numbers or fractions to determine their relative size.
- 16. fraction A fraction where the numerator is greater than one, representing multiple parts of the whole.
- 17. To change a fraction or number from one form to another.
- 18. than A term used to compare two numbers when the first is larger than the second.
- 1. number A number without fractions; an integer.
- 2. A numerical quantity that is not a whole number, represented by two numbers separated by a slash.
- 5. fraction Fractions that have different numerators and denominators but represent the same value.
- 6. The top number in a fraction that indicates how many parts of the whole are being considered.
- 9. To reduce a fraction to its simplest form where the numerator and denominator have no common factors other than one.
- 10. The entirety of something, without division or fractions.
- 11. fraction A fraction where the numerator is equal to or greater than the denominator.
- 14. number A number consisting of an integer and a proper fraction.