Fractions, decimals and percentages

  1. 3. A number written as a decimal that has the same value as a fraction or percentage. (7, 10)
  2. 6. To divide the numerator and denominator of a fraction by the same number. (6)
  3. 7. A way of expressing values of fractions less than 1. (7)
  4. 8. A number containing a whole number and a fraction. (5, 6)
  5. 11. A decimal with a repeating pattern that goes on forever. (9, 7)
  6. 13. A factor that is shared by two or more numbers. (6, 6)
  7. 14. A fraction with the numerator larger than the denominator. (8, 8)
  1. 1. Going up. (9)
  2. 2. Exactly the same quantity or size. (5)
  3. 4. The smallest number into which the denominators of two or more fractions will divide. (6, 6, 11)
  4. 5. Going down. (10)
  5. 9. A decimal with a definite number of digits. (11)
  6. 10. The part of a fraction above the line. (9)
  7. 12. The part of a fraction below the line. (11)
  8. 15. A numerical quantity that is not a whole number. It compares the size of a part with the size of a whole. (8)