Fractions - Grade 07

  1. 4. The act of determining which of two fractions is greater or smaller.
  2. 5. The result of division used when converting an improper fraction to a mixed number.
  3. 6. Fractions Fractions that have different numerators and denominators but represent the same value.
  4. 8. Abbreviation for the least common multiple used to compare fractions with different denominators.
  5. 10. The number below the line in a fraction.
  6. 12. Type of fraction where the numerator is smaller than the denominator.
  7. 14. A number consisting of a whole number and a proper fraction.
  8. 15. Type of fraction where the numerator is larger than or equal to the denominator.
  1. 1. To change a fraction from one form to another such as from a mixed number to an improper fraction.
  2. 2. Fractions that represent the same value but have different numerators and denominators.
  3. 3. A fraction with a numerator of 1.
  4. 7. The number above the line in a fraction.
  5. 9. Ordering fractions from largest to smallest.
  6. 11. Ordering fractions from smallest to largest.
  7. 13. Mathematical operation used to convert improper fractions into mixed numbers.