- 3. a fraction greater than one and has a larger numerator than denominator
- 5. a fraction with a numerator of one
- 6. a common fraction useful for comparing, measuring, and ordering other fractions
- 7. the number of parts of a whole; top number in a fraction
- 9. equal fractions with different numerators and denominators
- 10. also means reduce; to rewrite a fraction in a way that is easier to understand
- 11. the total number of parts in a whole; bottom number in a fraction
- 1. the least common multiple of two or more denominators
- 2. a quantity that is part of a whole number
- 4. a fraction that is greater than one and is written with a whole number and a fraction
- 8. the form of a fraction in which the numerator and denominator have only 1 as their common factor