
  1. 2. Abbreviation for Greatest Common Denominator
  2. 5. number Whole number plus a fraction
  3. 8. The opposite of add
  4. 9. To make simple
  5. 10. Multiply Proper term for the Butterfly Method
  6. 11. What does this symbol mean =
  7. 12. The bottom number of a fraction
  8. 14. One of four terms that define mathematics
  1. 1. Abbreviation for Lowest Common Denominator
  2. 3. To change in form
  3. 4. fraction When the numerator is bigger than the denominator
  4. 6. A number without a fraction
  5. 7. Part of a whole
  6. 12. The fraction 2/4th is ___by 2
  7. 13. The top number of a fraction