- 2. Fractions with different denominators
- 4. To calculate how many times a number can go into another
- 5. Fractions that have the same denominator
- 8. To put together with something else
- 10. Numbers that can be combined
- 11. To take away one number from another
- 12. To increas by a number of times
- 13. A numerator is a person or thing that does numbering, or the top number in a fraction
- 1. When you switch the two numbers with each other in a fraction
- 3. a number that names part of a group ,not a whole number
- 4. The number base of a fraction
- 6. a number consisting of a whole number and a fraction or decimal, as 4½ or 4.5
- 7. The muliplicative inverse of a whole number
- 9. a number that has no fractions, an exact number