
  1. 2. Half of a whole
  2. 6. One quarter plus seven fourths
  3. 7. A type of fraction which has a whole number and a fraction
  4. 8. One eighth plus one eighth equals
  5. 10. Part of a whole
  6. 12. Two thirds plus eight sixths equals
  7. 13. A type of fraction which has the same value as another fraction
  8. 14. One twentieth plus one twentieth equals
  9. 15. One sixth plus one sixth equals
  1. 1. What is the name of the number on the bottom
  2. 3. A fraction can also be explained as this mathematical operation
  3. 4. To add or substract fractions, you must first find a
  4. 5. A type of fraction which has the top number bigger or equal to the bottom number
  5. 9. What is the name of the number on the top
  6. 11. One sixteenth plus one sixteenth equals
  7. 15. One twelfth plus one twelfth equals