- 3. fractions with the same denominators
- 5. part of a whole, part of a set or a model of division
- 7. part of the fraction below the line
- 9. a way of comparing fractions
- 10. fractions which may have different numerators and denominators but have the same value
- 12. part of the fraction above the line
- 1. a way of writing a fraction where the numerator and denominator are relatively prime
- 2. type of fraction wherein the numerator is less than the denominator; represents fractions that are less than 1
- 4. one way of writing an improper fraction
- 6. fractions with different denominators
- 8. represents division; separates numerator and denominator
- 11. type of fraction wherein the numerator is greater than the denominator; represents fractions that are greater than 1