
  1. 4. The I in BIDMAS stands for _______
  2. 6. A half + a quarter = _____ quarters
  3. 7. The bottom number in a fraction
  4. 9. A flat shape with six sides
  5. 11. A fraction with a larger numerator than denominator : ______ fraction
  6. 13. Four over five (4/5) is the same as ____ over ten ( _ /10)
  7. 14. The smallest positive whole number
  1. 1. Three quarters is a ___________
  2. 2. A whole number and a fraction together (2 words, no spaces)
  3. 3. The second largest city in the UK
  4. 5. Eleven eighths (11/8) minus five eighths (5/8) = _____ eighths
  5. 8. There are 14 ________ in a stone
  6. 10. The only month of the year that has 6 letters
  7. 11. A creature with 6 legs
  8. 12. The gas that we breathe