
  1. 2. number a fraction with a whole number
  2. 5. to simplify or lower your fraction
  3. 6. fraction when the numerator is bigger then the denominator
  4. 7. to make your answer to an equation more simple or smaller
  5. 9. different fractions that name the same number
  6. 13. the answer to a multiplication question
  7. 14. a number that divides into another number
  1. 1. the number that divides a fraction or a whole number in a division question
  2. 3. to flip a fraction is a
  3. 4. what the fraction is out of is a
  4. 8. the number that is being divided in a division question
  5. 10. the answer to a division question
  6. 11. the parts in a fraction
  7. 12. part of a whole number