- 1. the value of each digit in a number
- 7. means divided by
- 12. a number that divides another number evenly
- 15. the dot between a whole number and the fraction part
- 16. the number below the line in a fraction
- 17. represents parts of a whole
- 18. when the numerator is bigger than the denominator
- 22. the smallest number that can be used for all denominators in the problem
- 23. the number above the line in a fraction
- 25. fractions with the same denominator
- 26. the smallest number of all the common multiples
- 27. fractions with different denominators
- 2. fractions with different numerators and denominators but equal to the same value
- 3. a decimal that has the same value as a fraction
- 4. a fraction whose numerator is one
- 5. a fraction that contains one or more fractions as a numerator, denominator, or both
- 6. a decimal where al digit or series of digits repeats infinitely
- 8. two equivalent ratios set equal to each other
- 9. when the denominator is bigger than the numerator
- 10. an integer and a proper fraction
- 11. a decimal that contains a finite number of digits after the decimal point
- 13. swap the numerator and denominator
- 14. reduce a fraction to the smallest numbers possible
- 19. the products of a number and an integer
- 20. understanding relationships between different quantities
- 21. replacing a number with an approximate value that is shorter
- 24. used to compare two quantities