
  1. 1. Who was Florian a consultant for?
  2. 4. Talking quietly in a soft voice.
  3. 7. What flag tattoo was on the kidnapper's arm?
  4. 10. What kind of rolls does Florian always finish?
  5. 11. The person that created TOAST.
  6. 12. How many times has Florian moved?
  7. 13. Not meant to be known or seen by others.
  8. 15. Margaret's parents' occupation.
  9. 17. What issues did the kidnapper have?
  10. 19. What did the criminal dress up as during the robbery?
  11. 20. Where were three of the stolen painting hidden?
  1. 2. Animal on Margaret's clothing when she was left at the firehouse.
  2. 3. What instrument does Agent Rivers play?
  3. 5. Margaret's favorite color.
  4. 6. Where is the FBI training center located?
  5. 8. What is the first name of the criminal that stole the painting?
  6. 9. The device Florian used for the FBI to track him
  7. 14. Florian's best friend.
  8. 16. The mascot for the Fire station that Margaret was left at.
  9. 18. Where the paintings were stolen.