Francesco's farewall

  1. 1. He performed at the info session
  2. 6. A nice gift from Japan
  3. 7. The restaurant name only Simone can pronounce
  4. 9. Magda's surname (I am sorry Magda, but this is too funny <3)
  5. 13. You arrive in EFSA, you try it, you're disappointed
  6. 14. A plant that used to be in the office
  7. 16. The most beloved male trainee of the food enzyme team in 2022-2023
  8. 17. The building in front of EFSA
  9. 18. A little newbie in the team
  1. 2. Always in our minds
  2. 3. The away day of the last year
  3. 4. It was secret, a paper box was involved
  4. 5. Everyone wants to take them in the meetings
  5. 8. Silvia's nightmare
  6. 10. The table that let you know your destiny
  7. 11. It is changed 1000 during a Panel meeting
  8. 12. He was elected as the kindest expert
  9. 15. We go on, but it is still there