- 3. Francophone island in North America
- 5. French speaking country near Nice, France
- 7. month of French independence
- 9. largest city in Quebec
- 12. one of the colors of the French flag
- 14. first name of famous French saint
- 15. currency used by the French
- 16. Francophone island near Africa
- 19. third largest city in France
- 20. last name of famous French fashion designer
- 21. former prison stormed during the Revolution
- 23. former currency used by the French
- 26. name of second largest French city
- 27. first name of famous French Canadian singer
- 29. famous French fashion store known for perfume
- 1. French is used at the UN for this purpose
- 2. region of France where D Day occured
- 4. one of two US states considered Francophone
- 6. name of author who wrote Les Miserables
- 8. first name of wife of Louis the 16th
- 10. one of the three words of France's motto
- 11. Moulin _____: famous French nightclub
- 13. last name of 'la vie en rose' singer
- 17. name of river that flows through Paris
- 18. name of French part of Canada
- 19. a major French export
- 22. common religion in France
- 24. Francophone country whose largest city is Dakar
- 25. number of years of French presidential term
- 28. most common religion in France