
  1. 3. Verdict at Victor's trial
  2. 4. Rescued Frankenstein in the arctic
  3. 6. Victor's father; _______ Frankenstein
  4. 9. Frankenstein or the Modern __________
  5. 12. Creature wants this from humans
  6. 13. "Beware for I am ______, and therefore powerful"
  7. 15. Uncomfortable for the creature at first
  8. 17. Frankenstein's feelings about Justine
  9. 18. Author of Frankenstein; _______ Shelley
  1. 1. Proposed writing ghost stories; Lord ____
  2. 2. Destination of Robert's letters
  3. 3. Site of original creation
  4. 5. Introduced Victor to natural philosophy
  5. 7. Mountain range where creature and creator met
  6. 8. Number of the creature's victims
  7. 10. Left father to marry Felix
  8. 11. First victim _______ Frankenstein
  9. 14. Killed Victor's mother; ______ fever
  10. 15. Creature asked for his friendship; Old De ______
  11. 16. Frankenstein's best friend