Freak the mighty (Freak’s dictionary)

  1. 3. A sweet lady of light
  2. 4. A toxic waste of time
  3. 7. One billionth of a second
  4. 9. Max’s shoe size
  5. 13. Shoes big enough to fit Maxwell Kane
  6. 14. A finger powered computer
  7. 16. An eight grade English class
  8. 17. What matters to energy
  9. 18. A big word for mechanical bird
  10. 19. Beaming up into books
  1. 1. A four letter word for Max in a bad mood
  2. 2. Another name for blade
  3. 5. Millions of septillions
  4. 6. the language of Jabba the hurt
  5. 8. How the Fair Gwen talks when she is nervous
  6. 10. The good old days
  7. 11. Loyalty with an “f”
  8. 12. A vegan
  9. 15. A word used by people with small minds
  10. 20. A gentlemen of the old school before they tore it down