Freak’s dictionary

  1. 4. a vegan
  2. 5. the study of weird relatives.
  3. 9. talking on paper
  4. 10. an improbable, imperfect creature
  5. 13. Machine, your imagination
  6. 14. what you do after zig
  7. 16. the past from the male point of view
  8. 18. a horse with a horn
  9. 19. million of septillions
  10. 20. what you taste when you bite into and orange
  1. 1. a z in England
  2. 2. beaming into books
  3. 3. an eighth grade English class
  4. 6. a think, viscous liquid
  5. 7. a muscle that improves with exercises
  6. 8. a word used by people with small minds
  7. 11. so exciting it makes you vibrate.
  8. 12. one billionth of a second
  9. 15. a toxic waste of time
  10. 17. a human sauropod.