Free Choice #2: Crossword Puzzle

  1. 3. The first block in Minecraft, along with grass.
  2. 6. The block on the logo of Minecraft.
  3. 7. What the creeper was SUPPOSED to be.
  4. 9. My notable's first name.
  5. 10. A game my notable made.
  6. 11. The most common Overworld ore.
  7. 13. The Minecraft edition available on computers.
  8. 14. What this is.
  9. 15. The most common block in Minecraft.
  1. 1. This stalks up to you then blows up.
  2. 2. The Minecraft edition available on phones and tablets.
  3. 4. The name for my notable's famous game before its current one.
  4. 5. Long, yellow fruit. My favorite fruit, too. Nothing to do with the rest of this.
  5. 8. My notable's middle name. Pronounced "all-ex-ee".
  6. 11. The only placeable food item in Minecraft.
  7. 12. My notable's last name.