Free Time Activities

  1. 4. A board game for 2 players who have to move 16 pieces
  2. 7. A place where people watch films
  3. 8. It is played in a laptop or a PC
  4. 10. People go to rivers or lakes to do this activity
  5. 11. When you sleep on a tent outside, usually on holidays
  1. 1. A place where people can buy clothes, food, jewelry, etc
  2. 2. An event where you can go to see your favourite band or singer
  3. 3. A place where there are a lot of pieces of art and people can see them, for example: sculptures, paintings
  4. 5. An open, natural space in the city where people go to relax or walk their dogs
  5. 6. The last meal of the day. Some people go to restaurants
  6. 9. A place where people go to dance and listen to music