Free Time- Italian 2

  1. 2. the piano
  2. 3. the fisherman
  3. 7. in the pool
  4. 8. to listen to music
  5. 9. the remote control
  6. 12. a violent program
  7. 13. at the sea, at the beach
  8. 15. an entertaining program
  9. 16. game
  10. 20. to the beach, at the beach
  11. 21. coaching
  12. 22. teams
  1. 1. to go to the beach/ to the sea
  2. 4. to play
  3. 5. videogames
  4. 6. the television program
  5. 10. the net
  6. 11. to change the channel
  7. 14. to play music
  8. 17. to read
  9. 18. to sing
  10. 19. to heat up