
  1. 5. your wear them under your shoes
  2. 6. they go on your feet when you run
  3. 8. it tells you the time
  4. 9. you wear them golfing
  5. 10. men wear them around their neck
  6. 12. they hod up your pants
  7. 13. they help your see
  8. 14. they keeep you warm
  9. 16. it keeps you dry
  10. 18. they keep your hands warm in the snow
  11. 19. girls wear them with tights
  1. 1. you wear them swimming
  2. 2. they are pants cut in half
  3. 3. your wear on your head to a baseball game
  4. 4. you wear them on your feet to the beach
  5. 7. you wear it in the snow
  6. 11. men wear it over their shirt to a wedding
  7. 12. you wear them under a dress
  8. 15. women wear them at their wedding
  9. 17. you wear them in the fall