French Bulldogs

  1. 2. With their big eyes and cute faces, French Bulldogs are simply ___.
  2. 5. French Bulldogs are a ___ choice among city dwellers.
  3. 6. Playful and lively behavior
  4. 7. Baby French Bulldogs are called ___.
  5. 9. French Bulldogs have a ___ personality that wins hearts.
  6. 11. French Bulldog's coat color: ___ and white
  7. 14. French Bulldogs are popular for their friendly and ___ nature.
  8. 15. French Bulldogs have a ___ coat that requires minimal grooming.
  9. 16. French Bulldogs are often called "___" for short.
  10. 17. French Bulldogs are part of the ___ group of dog breeds.
  11. 20. Short snout and ___ are distinctive features of French Bulldogs.
  12. 22. French Bulldogs have a tail that is usually ___.
  13. 23. French Bulldogs are NOT known for their ___ abilities.
  1. 1. Breed: French ____
  2. 3. Ears that stand vertically
  3. 4. At times, French Bulldogs can exhibit a ___ streak in their behavior.
  4. 6. French Bulldogs have a ___ nose.
  5. 8. French Bulldog's compact and muscular body: ___
  6. 9. French Bulldogs love to curl up in ___ spots.
  7. 10. French Bulldogs are known for their ___ nature, making them great family pets.
  8. 11. French Bulldogs are known for their ___-shaped ears.
  9. 12. Despite their size, French Bulldogs make great ___ due to their alertness.
  10. 13. French Bulldogs are excellent ___ dogs.
  11. 18. French Bulldogs originated in ___.
  12. 19. Regular exercise is important for maintaining the overall ___ of French Bulldogs.
  13. 21. French Bulldogs are prone to ___ issues due to their flat faces.