french electronics

  1. 5. to click
  2. 8. the number
  3. 9. the right number
  4. 10. to send(fax)
  5. 12. data or information
  6. 16. a phone book
  7. 18. a computer
  8. 19. its not serious
  9. 22. a key
  10. 23. telephone booth
  11. 24. a touch - tone phone
  12. 26. to help
  13. 27. a document face up
  14. 31. a coin
  15. 32. to dial the number
  16. 35. sorry
  17. 37. a document face down
  18. 40. an error
  19. 41. to type
  20. 43. to withdraw
  21. 45. a message or mail
  22. 46. to fax(f)
  23. 48. the wrong number
  24. 49. a software
  25. 51. the country code
  26. 52. to call someone
  27. 55. an email
  28. 56. a cd
  29. 57. who is calling
  30. 60. telecarte a calling card
  31. 61. hello
  32. 62. a mouse
  33. 63. to pick up someone
  34. 64. the money or card slot
  1. 1. busy
  2. 2. to ring
  3. 3. the dial tone
  4. 4. to save
  5. 6. a text
  6. 7. a floppy disk
  7. 11. to put in a disk
  8. 13. hold on
  9. 14. a public phone
  10. 15. to make a phone call
  11. 17. to dial the number
  12. 20. an automatic answering machine
  13. 21. to make a phone call
  14. 25. to call back
  15. 28. to press on
  16. 29. a cell phone
  17. 30. a keyboard
  18. 33. a phone
  19. 34. a printer
  20. 36. to make use of
  21. 38. the area code
  22. 39. an answering machine
  23. 42. to fax(m)
  24. 44. to send
  25. 47. a disk drive
  26. 50. to turn on
  27. 53. to hang up
  28. 54. to turn off
  29. 58. a document
  30. 59. a screen