French Number Puzzle

  1. 2. In the game bingo, what number does ‘two little ducks’ represent?
  2. 3. Round 17.728 to the nearest whole number.
  3. 7. Use BODMAS work out this sum: 2ⷥ+40-20
  4. 10. How many continents are there?
  5. 12. How many letters in the alphabet?
  6. 13. How many goals in a hat trick?
  7. 15. What was the name of Adele’s first album?
  8. 16. How many golden rings in the 12 days of Christmas?
  9. 18. How many days in 2 weeks?
  10. 19. How many minutes in half an hour?
  11. 21. How hours are there in a day?
  12. 22. How much is a dozen?
  13. 23. What is this number equal to? XXI
  14. 24. How many minutes in 1200 seconds?
  15. 25. At what number house on Downing Street does the prime minister live?
  16. 26. What is this number equal to? XXVII
  17. 27. How many lives is a cat said to have?
  1. 1. How many band members are in Little Mix?
  2. 4. Use BODMAS work out this sum: (6+2)2
  3. 5. What is the youngest age you can legally drive a car in the UK?
  4. 6. How many centimetres in a ¼ of a metre?
  5. 8. How many players on a football team?
  6. 9. How many days are there in October?
  7. 10. How many wives did King Henry the VIII have?
  8. 11. How many planets in the solar system (Pluto not included!)?
  9. 13. Some believe that this is an unlucky number.
  10. 14. W is the …. Letter of the alphabet.
  11. 17. How many players in a rugby team?
  12. 20. How many world cups have England men’s team won in football?
  13. 21. How many days in February in a leap year?
  14. 25. How many hemispheres does our planet have?