French Pizza Toppings

  1. 1. What is the word for "onions" in French? ____ _________
  2. 3. What is the word for "toppings" in French?
  3. 4. What is the word for "cheese" in French? ____ _________
  4. 5. What is the most common meat topping that often looks like round circles on pizza?
  5. 6. What are "des champignons" in English?
  6. 11. Monsieur Steve likes des épinards on his pizza - what is this in English?
  7. 12. Monsieur Steve sings "Je suis une pizza!", what does this mean in English?
  8. 14. What are "des poivrons verts" in English? (Don't forget to include the colour!)
  9. 15. At the beginning of the video, Monsieur Steve says "J'ai faim!". In English, this means ___ ____ __________!
  10. 16. These little toppings come in black and green varieties and are oval in shape (they are Mme B's favourite pizza topping!). In French they are ____ _________
  1. 1. What specific type of "une poisson" do people sometimes love on pizza? (In French!)
  2. 2. "Tu peux dire <<s'il vous plaît>>" in English is "You can say __________"
  3. 4. What is the word for "sausages" in French? ____ _________
  4. 7. What is "du poulet" in English?
  5. 8. What pizza topping does Monsieur Steve almost forget because he hates it on his pizza?
  6. 9. What is "du jambon" in English?
  7. 10. "You can raise your hand" in French is "Tu peux lever la __________"
  8. 13. What is the word for "tomatoes" in French? ____ _________