French Revolution and Napoleon by Makenzie martin

  1. 1. the legislature of the Kingdom of France
  2. 4. general consensus among the Great Powers
  3. 5. promise to right on constution
  4. 9. final battle napoleon fight
  5. 13. equal strengh among countries
  6. 14. organized code of laws
  7. 16. queen of france
  8. 19. king of france during relolution
  9. 20. how france blocked great britain
  10. 21. human excution machine
  11. 26. gov't created by the 3rd estate
  12. 28. forceful takeover of power
  13. 29. social classes before revolution
  14. 30. radical political parties
  15. 31. violence due to rumors and panic
  16. 33. public school for boys
  17. 34. napoleons comeback
  1. 2. how the russians defeated napoleon
  2. 3. lead the congress of vienna
  3. 6. bad loss for france
  4. 7. fromed by alexander the first
  5. 8. nobles who fled france
  6. 10. attempt to make europe self-sufficent
  7. 11. unskilled workers that wanted change
  8. 12. lead by klemsens von matternich
  9. 15. leader of the reign of terror
  10. 17. civilian soldiers
  11. 18. purging france of its past
  12. 22. a vote from the citizens
  13. 23. agreement
  14. 24. ancient social/political order in france
  15. 25. rightful leaders
  16. 27. someone born in spain
  17. 32. major meeting called by king