French Revolution Crossword

  1. 2. the king, queen, and their children tried to _____ the country in disguise
  2. 3. under the new constitution, everyone was given the title _____
  3. 6. the people believed that the king's soldiers would stop the revolution. These feeling resulted in the _____
  4. 8. enlightenment thinkers, led the new way of thinking
  5. 10. how many estates made up the National Assembly
  6. 11. a group
  7. 14. a document that sets out the major laws and principles of a government
  8. 15. the mansions and great estates of the rich
  9. 16. members of the estate
  10. 17. thanks to Louis XIV and his wife Marie Antoinette, France was almost _____ during the French revolution
  11. 19. main food for French people, King Louis made taxes higher on _____ so the French people rioted
  12. 21. after the fall of the Bastille, the citizens wanted to keep order in Paris, so they created the _____
  13. 22. a paid soldier
  14. 23. France had a kind of parliament known as the _____ which met only as a result of a royal command
  1. 1. certificates of money called _____ were issued to be redeemed when Church lands were sold
  2. 4. people who leave one country for another
  3. 5. one of the most serious issues during the French revolution, _____ is another word for loss of jobs
  4. 7. machine that killed many people during the French revolution, the national razor
  5. 9. a government in which all power rests with the citizens who vote to elect their leaders
  6. 10. where did the third estate gather after they were locked out, the royal _____
  7. 12. an ornament worn on top of a hat
  8. 13. someone who wants major change quickly
  9. 18. Marquis de _____ led the national guard
  10. 20. royal prison and fortress, attacked by a mob, the _____