French Winter Vocabulary

  1. 3. A sweet, warm drink that you may enjoy during the winter.
  2. 5. Quel est le mot pour "des patins" en français?
  3. 6. Quel est le mot pour "neige" en anglais?
  4. 7. Something you put on your head in the winter to stay warm. (In French!)
  5. 8. Quel est le mot pour "des gants" en anglais?
  6. 10. Quel est le mot pour "snowmobile" en français?
  7. 12. A long piece of fabric you would wrap around your neck to stay warm. (In French!)
  1. 1. A winter activity where you go downhill on snow using a single board.
  2. 2. Quel est le mot pour "a coat" en français?
  3. 3. Quel est le mot pour "a snowflake" en français?
  4. 4. Something you can build in the winter with balls of snow, sticks, stones, and a carrot. (In French!)
  5. 9. Quel est le mot pour "the ice" en français?
  6. 11. What do you put on your feet to go outside in the snow? (In French!)