
  1. 1. something that happens all of the time
  2. 4. enfant what is considered a small child
  3. 6. what people speak in Spain
  4. 7. a place where student's usually sit
  5. 11. the ACT is an example of this
  6. 13. when you can't remeber something
  7. 14. a person who designs buildings
  8. 15. teachers use this to explain information to a class
  9. 16. the last day of the week
  10. 17. the opposite of a little
  11. 18. something that people listen to
  12. 19. a person who writes newspapers
  13. 21. what people do while on vacation
  14. 22. what you would do to prepare for a test
  15. 24. something that is used to track dates
  16. 27. the country we currently live in
  17. 29. a place to sit
  18. 30. the world wide web is located here
  19. 33. this makes up majority of the earth
  20. 34. the sport serena Williams plays
  21. 35. the opposite of now
  22. 36. the language that is spoked in italy
  23. 38. the first day of the week
  24. 39. a way of saying friend
  25. 40. people use this to call people
  26. 41. to like one thing more than another
  1. 2. when you want to see someone in person
  2. 3. something that dosn't happen all the time
  3. 5. a place people go to cool off during the summer
  4. 8. Most adults have to do this when they get out of college
  5. 9. work that is given the night before to students
  6. 10. something that doesn't happen all the time
  7. 12. This game is played by the NBA
  8. 18. a persons parents parents
  9. 20. where soldiers were stationed in the 1970's
  10. 23. what you would call your mother's brother
  11. 25. a person who plays in movies/tv
  12. 26. a place where a person is from
  13. 28. someone who stops working after reaching a certain age
  14. 29. what people do at the gym
  15. 31. this is apart of Asia
  16. 32. the frist month of every year
  17. 37. what you would call your mother's sister