
  1. 2. a group of people who play music
  2. 4. another word for book
  3. 6. act of thinking
  4. 7. i love you
  5. 10. act of giving back
  6. 11. que je serais ravi de sure id love too
  7. 12. email
  8. 13. subjest in school that you learn about the past
  9. 14. the act of knowing
  10. 15. group of people that come together
  11. 16. with pleasure
  12. 18. opposite of truth
  13. 20. poem
  14. 21. being complete
  15. 23. another word for sometimes
  16. 27. paper of news
  17. 28. showing
  18. 29. yes i want to
  19. 30. a genre of funny movie
  20. 33. verb to cost
  21. 35. to loan to
  22. 36. act of getting married
  23. 37. play
  1. 1. a type
  2. 2. a piece or paper allowing entrance
  3. 3. idée a good idea
  4. 5. letter to a loved one
  5. 6. to know information
  6. 7. act or being busy
  7. 8. not a lie
  8. 9. group of people who sing
  9. 10. two times
  10. 16. actor
  11. 17. postale post card
  12. 19. recently
  13. 22. animated skit or clip usually appealing to children
  14. 23. the act of borrowing
  15. 24. act of looking
  16. 25. to ask for
  17. 26. act of writing
  18. 31. one on a sports team
  19. 32. song
  20. 34. ok