
  1. 2. adventure novel and ride at Disney
  2. 3. another name for The Misfortunes of Virtue by de Sade
  3. 5. novel by Gustave Flauber
  4. 7. Victor Hugo Novel adapted into a Disney Movie
  5. 10. novel by Benjamin Constant
  6. 11. French author who wrote Candide
  7. 12. a French novel and a candy
  8. 14. novel that inspired the sandwich
  9. 15. adventure novelist
  10. 16. novel adapted into a musical by Llyod Webber
  1. 1. Victor Hugo novel adapted into a musical
  2. 3. novel by Ferdinand Bardamu
  3. 4. adventure novel with Professor Otto
  4. 6. novel by André Gide
  5. 8. The Stranger Author
  6. 9. novel by Francios-Rene de Chateaubriand
  7. 13. how many days it takes Fogg to get around the world