Friday Crossword

  1. 2. The huge explosion that scientists think created the Universe a long time ago.
  2. 4. The big, bright star at the center of our Solar System that gives us light and warmth.
  3. 5. Small, rocky objects that orbit the Sun, mostly found between Mars and Jupiter.
  4. 7. The area or place where you live, or a small part of a larger area.
  5. 13. A place in space where gravity is so strong that not even light can escape from it.
  6. 14. The science that studies stars, planets, and everything in space.
  7. 15. Anything related to land or Earth. Terrestrial planets are rocky planets like Earth.
  8. 17. The closest planet to the Sun in our Solar System. It's very hot and has no moons.
  9. 18. The planet we live on. It's the third planet from the Sun.
  10. 20. The way we learn about the world and universe through observation, experiments, and study.
  1. 1. People who study and learn about how the world and the universe work.
  2. 3. People who travel to space to explore and learn more about it.
  3. 6. A group of planets, including Earth, that orbit around the Sun.
  4. 8. A huge group of stars, planets, and other space stuff held together by gravity. We live in the Milky Way galaxy.
  5. 9. The path that planets, moons, and other objects follow as they go around a star or planet.
  6. 10. A big, colorful cloud of gas and dust in space where stars are born.
  7. 11. The second planet from the Sun. It’s similar in size to Earth but has a very thick, hot atmosphere.
  8. 12. Everything that exists, including all the stars, planets, galaxies, and space.
  9. 16. The spinning of a planet or other object around its own axis. Earth’s rotation gives us day and night.
  10. 17. The galaxy that contains our Solar System. It's a big collection of stars and planets.
  11. 19. A specific area or part of a larger space, like a neighborhood or part of the sky.