Friday Trivia

  1. 2. Country to which a person is responsible for paying taxes
  2. 3. A list of individuals, countries, groups, or items that require close surveillance
  3. 4. Introduction of criminal proceeds into the financial system
  4. 6. Screening tool used by NCB
  5. 8. Disclosing information likely to prejudice an investigation
  6. 10. Separation of criminal proceeds from their source to disguise the audit trail and provide the appearance of legitimacy
  1. 1. This is the stage in which criminal proceeds are treated as legitimate
  2. 5. All procedures, methods, and transactions designed to change the identity of illegally obtained money so that it appears to have originated from a legitimate source
  3. 7. Customer shows uncommon curiosity about internal systems, controls and policies
  4. 9. Foreign Account Tax Compliance Act