
  1. 1. What you need to give me, best friend
  2. 4. Genshin Impact player's prefered age
  3. 6. The most oppressed minority
  4. 7. What I did last night
  5. 8. What you need to get
  6. 9. Homura's true identity
  7. 10. What you need to touch
  8. 11. My favorite BFDI character
  9. 14. Louis dressed up as this for halloween in 2021
  10. 15. I got yours
  11. 17. My favorite drink
  1. 2. The circus's most popular attraction
  2. 3. When I met you in the summer
  3. 5. The cat, but in spanish
  4. 11. das auto
  5. 12. Spencer's OC
  6. 13. I LOVE ____ <3<3<3
  7. 16. The best sport
  8. 18. Never going to give you this