
  1. 4. boy with the same name (sorry!) great hair, plays viola, loves vollyball
  2. 5. from Guatamala, (did I spell that right?) really into Olivia Rodrigo (I think)
  3. 6. Blue hair blonde eyes NO blonde hair blue eyes (sorry) plays viola and clarinet, AWESOME IN EVERY WAY!!πŸ˜‡πŸ˜‹
  4. 8. plays violin her valentine is Jake, best friend is Kaylee blonde hair
  5. 10. also plays cello long hair best friend is Jane
  6. 11. goes to Brimhall plays flute? (right?) LOVES corgi
  1. 1. plays violin school secretary. likes vollyball and tetherball
  2. 2. homeschooled, plays flute long brown hair
  3. 3. red hair, quiet(sometimes), plays viola
  4. 7. plays cello, in Mrs. Qualls class, long hair, Awesome wait, I was thinking of someone elseπŸ˜‰πŸ˜‰
  5. 9. blonde hair, plays flute, VERY meanπŸ˜‹πŸ˜‹